HowTo: Check If a Directory Exists In a Shell Script ©2000-2014 nixCraft. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy - Terms of Service - Questions or Comments - We are proudly powered by Linux + Nginx + WordPress. The content is copyrighted to nixCraft and may not be reproduced on other websites.
linux - unix shell script find out which directory the script file resides? - Stack Overflow Basically I need to run the script with paths related to the shell script file location, how can I change the current directory to the same directory as where the script file resides?
to find if a file exist using shell script Hi~ guys, i am new to writing script. I have a question about that. Say if I have a directory and have several files in it, I want to use the script ... -a file True if file exists.-b file True if file exists and is a block special file.-c file True if fi
batch script with IF EXIST (Page 1) / Windows CMD Shell / SS64 Forum raja Member Registered: 14 Dec 2005 Posts: 1 batch script with IF EXIST Hello All, in the below code how should i include the return code for failure and success. i want the condition to be success if the file does not exist and exit. if the file exists i
Shell Script For Getting List Of File name In A directory (Linux / UNIX forum at JavaRanch) Hi, Can any body please tell me the how to write Shell Script For Getting List Of File name In A directory; Same In DOS also. Thanks, Kaya. ... Maybe I am missing something here, but couldn't you just do: ls /some/directory and in DOS: dir c:/some/directo
How to change directory in a shell script? I am trying to write a simple script that does some cleanup and then changes to a specific directory. But when the script finishes, I am returned to ... Linux - Newbie This Linux forum is for members that are new to Linux. Just starting out and have a que
bash - How to check if a directory exists within a given path ... 2012年8月21日 - How to check if a directory exists in a shell script if [ -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then # Control ...
How to check directory exist or not in linux.? - Stack Overflow 2012年1月9日 - mkdir -p creates the directory without giving an error if it already exists.
Shell script to test whether a directory exists and if not create it ... 2010年5月30日 - I am trying to create a script to detect whether a directory ... mkdir -p $directory should do ...
check if directory exists using shell script - hi everyone, I am trying to write some small script file that will check if a USB stick is ...